Yay for electricity!
January 3rd, 2007You may have heard about the ice storm that hit our state on Saturday, December 30. A cold, icy rain came down for several hours and temperatures hovering around the lower 30’s allowed 2-4 inches of ice to coat everything it landed on. Unfortunately, that included our electrical lines which, in turn, caused big electrical poles to snap off and drop the wires to the ground. When our power went out on Saturday night, we joined the approximately 29,000 homes across the state who lost power due to the storm. It was just restored a few hours ago today (Wednesday). It wasn’t fun, but we survived without heat, television, running water, refrigeration, and all the other conveniences we take for granted that depend on electrical power. With the generosity of good friends and neighbors we were still able to shower, wash clothes, water the livestock, celebrate New Year’s Eve, and watch the Cotton Bowl. We even took some time a couple of days ago to take some photos of some icy spectacles we hope we don’t see again for quite some time. Still, we were very, very glad when repairs were made and the lights and heat came back on this afternoon!